var är DU när jag behöver DIG


i love you with all my butt, i would say heart, but my butt is bigger.
hihi nemen, tänkte egentligen bara säga att du är väldigt bra <3

i just wanna be with you
right here with you, just like this



mensvärk + illamående = hemskt

where shall i go?
to the left where nothing's right?
or to the right where nothing's left?

din tid är över chanserna är slut

ta dina drömmar, dina löften, våra minnen, alla foton
ja ta allt som du vill ha för jag tänker inte stanna kvar
spara dina tårar, din förklaring, packa din väska och dina saker,
glöm våra drömmar, våran sång. gå här ifrån och vänd inte om.


du är den finaste killen jag träffat

tack för allt du gör för mig

The dawn is breaking a light shining through
You're barely waking and I'm tangled up in you


kärlek som jag trott på, kärlek som var sann då.

you say you love me, but they feel are words to me
well this just not working
but then apparently things just ain't the same
and i'm ready for change
go on, be gone, bye bye, so long

de kommer bli bättre

stop thinking you can run over me

i opened up my eyes and i finally realized
today, today, it's too late
you're fading away.


önskade jag bara visste vad som kommer hända i framtiden så jag slapp oroa mig nu.
varit med lottis idag. äntligen är hon frisk. massa prat och aa, love you <3


ska lägga mig nu så jag orkar komma upp imorgon.
ska träffa några av mina fina vänner igen. godnattpuss!


dör för dig

you can think you can get free
you think you won't need me
that you're gonna get you somethin' better
but you know that we're in this forever

cause it's too late, there's no escape
might as well face it, baby we're stuck with each other
stuck with each other ain't nothin you can do about it
it's been too long, it's been too strong
cause we belong here. baby, we're stuck with each other

now i can say that i would not care if you were not there
tell myself that i'll be fine without you
but i would die if i was not around you
and i can try to convince you i don't need to be with you
but my only thoughts are thoughts about you

but if it's from you i dont mind hurting

sometimes i get you, sometimes i don't understand.
sometimes i love you, sometimes it's you i can't stand.
sometimes i wanna hug you, sometimes i wanna push you away.
most times i wanna kiss you, other times put you and every minute you start switching up
and you say things like "you don't give a fuck!"
then i say "i'm through with you" take my heart from you.
and you come running after me, and baby, i'm back with you.

"i can count on you like 1 2 3. i'll be there"


nu gick de för långt. jag pallar inte mer nu.

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